The newest character to enter MU, the Dark Lord has FIVE stat parameters
instead of the usual four (Strength, Agility, Vitality, and Energy). The fifth
stat is COMMAND, which dictates how many members a DL may hold in a guild at
any given time, and also how well he controls his "pets" (the Dark Horse and
the Dark Raven).
PK Type Dark Lord
Str: 1000
Agi: 550
Vit: 1000
Ene: 143
Com: 100
Recommended Weapons:
+13 Excellent Lord Scepter
Recommended Armor Set:
Anything up to a +13 Excellent Dark Master Set
The PK Type Dark Lord is basically a reflection of the PK-Type Knight. You
have to sacrifice the (effectively useful) Dark Raven to have greater attack
and more hit points, thankfully the Dark Horse doesn't have any other stat
requirement aside from levels (a Lv50 Dark Horse requires a DL to be Lv318).
Aside from the obvious benefits of the Raven, you also sacrifice the equally
powerful Dark Lord attack spell Electric Spark. The only spells you can use
would be Fireburst and the starting DL skill Force Wave.
Charisma Type Dark Lord
Str: 500
Agi: 250
Vit: 700
Ene: 408
Com: 935
Recommended Weapons:
Anything up to a +9 Shining Scepter
Recommended Armor Set:
+9 ~ +13 Dark Master Set
+7 ~ +13 Warrior Leather Set
If the PK Type Dark Lord has only the Dark Horse, the Command type (also
known as the Charisma type) Dark Lord has both the Dark Raven and Dark Horse,
and he also has the other spells Summon, Critical Damage, and Electric Spark
in his arsenal. Although he has significantly lower hit points than the PK DL,
he makes up for it with his Raven (which has a two full screens-wide area of
reach diameter). And need I say that the Electric Spark would be enough to
stop your would-be attackers?
Vitality Dark Lord
Str: 500
Agi: 250
Vit: 1400
Ene: 440
Com: 203
Recommended Weapons:
+9 ~ +13 Warrior Morning Star
+7 ~ +13 Excellent Kris + any blunt weapon [up to +9]
Anything up to a +7 Great Lord Scepter
Recommended Armor Set:
+9 ~ +13 Warrior Leather Set
+9 ~ +13 Dark Master Set
This is basically a reflection of another Knight build: the Vit Knight.
Although the Vitality Dark Lord has no Raven (a major sacrifice for most DLs),
or a low-level Raven (maybe a maximum of lvl10), he is vital to castle defense,
beside an Energy-type Knight for backup and one Full-Support [Energy] Elf and
an Agility Elf for cover. He has probably the largest HP among all character
types and builds. But, like the Energy Elf, the low attack power can be a real
downright pain in the butt.
I have some new Stats for Darklord just visit muonlinehelper.blogspot.com
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